Issue - meetings

Governance Update and Consultations

Meeting: 01/09/2021 - Clwyd Pension Fund Committee (Item 16)

16 Governance Update and Consultations pdf icon PDF 151 KB

To provide Committee Members with an update on governance related matters

Additional documents:


The Committee considered and noted the update.


Mrs McWilliam noted the update and added that:


-     As outlined on page 261, in response to a consultation held for the cost control mechanism, a Fund consultation response was approved by the Chairman and senior officers using urgency delegations.

-     Page 248 demonstrated the proportion of Committee member’s attendance at hot topic sessions. Further training opportunities could be found on page 265.

-     Members received an email from Mrs Fielder regarding the CIPFA event, which was opened up to Committee members this year. Members were encouraged to attend the virtual session on 8 October.



The Committee considered and noted the update.