Issue - meetings
Council Tax Premium Scheme for Second Homes and Long-term Empty Properties
Meeting: 21/09/2021 - Cabinet (Item 42)
42 Council Tax Premium Scheme for Second Homes and Long-term Empty Properties PDF 134 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Council Tax Premium Scheme for Second Homes and Long-term Empty Properties, item 42 PDF 23 KB
- Webcast for Council Tax Premium Scheme for Second Homes and Long-term Empty Properties
(1) That a further review be undertaken to determine whether the Council Tax premium level for second homes and long-term empty properties should be amended, and if so, at what level; and
(2) That a full public consultation exercise be carried out prior to recommending any changes to full Council.
Councillor Mullin introduced the report and explained that Section 12 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 provided Local Authorities in Wales with discretionary powers to charge, or vary, a Council Tax premium of up to 100% above the standard rate of Council Tax on certain classes of second homes and long-term empty properties. Council made a determination in March 2016 to introduce a scheme in April 2017 and to raise a Premium of 50% on both second homes and long-term empty properties.
Since then Council had resolved each year to continue with the scheme but with no change to the Premium levels. The report set out the key considerations if Cabinet considered it appropriate to vary the levels of the premium from 2022/23.
The Chief Officer (Governance) drew Members attention to the tables in the report which showed the number of long term and empty properties and second homes by Band, and the analysis of the premium levels that had been charged across Wales for second homes and/or long term empty properties.
He added that by using the Council Tax system to incentivise owners to bring properties back into permanent use did continue to offer limited capability to address local demand for housing.
A full public consultation exercise would be undertaken to gain feedback, including feedback from taxpayers directly impacted by the changes. Feedback would then be considered by Cabinet and by Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee prior to any final recommendation and adoption at Cabinet and County Council.
Councillor Bithell supported the premium on the basis of it helping to bring homes back into use for local people which would assist with the housing waiting list.
In response to a question from Councillor Banks, the Chief Officer explained that details of the consultation would be made available on the Council’s website and the owners of the properties in question would be contacted directly to inform them of the consultation.
Councillor Hughes suggested that a progressive increase could be used, which the Chief Officer said could be taken into consideration.
(a) That a further review be undertaken to determine whether the Council Tax premium level for second homes and long-term empty properties should be amended, and if so, at what level; and
(b) That a full public consultation exercise be carried out prior to recommending any changes to full Council.