Issue - meetings
Corporate Recovery Objectives
Meeting: 09/09/2021 - Recovery Committee (Item 33)
33 Corporate Recovery Objectives PDF 123 KB
To note progress made against the Corporate
Recovery Objectives.
Additional documents:
The Chief Executive introduced the report and explained that Wales, and the North Wales region, continued to be in a second phase of recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic. The ongoing endemic situation was now being managed.
The report provided an update on the corporate objectives adopted by the Council.
The Corporate Finance Manager said there had been little change since the last meeting. The Council continued to maximise national assistance from the Hardship Fund and other government funding. He was pleased to report that it had recently been confirmed that the funding would continue until the end of the current financial year.
The Senior Manager (Human Resources and Organisational Development) explained that, working with Public Health Wales (PHW) and Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) the Council had provided some of the workforce with an opportunity to undertake a supervised lateral flow device test. Those who had participated had returned a negative test which gave assurance over the safety measures in place in the workplace.
A need had been identified for internal provision of physiotherapy as this would be a more cost effective alternative to present arrangements, enabling greater control for the organisation to support employees based on clinical need.
Risk assessments were being reviewed to determine the optimum operating model for the workforce, which delivered the strategic objectives of the Digital Strategy and achieved a content, productive, safe and effective hybrid workforce.
The Chief Officer (Governance) explained that the Council had launched its digital hub to ensure that no one was excluded by reason of not having access to the skills. It was a website that enabled people to help others to get online or to build their own skills and confidence. Importantly, it was supported in person by Connect employees and partners, such as Aura, who would also provide access to devices and connectivity. In response to a question from Councillor Jones, the Chief Officer said it was advertised through a range of partners, such as Age Concern and FLVC.
On collection rates of Council Tax, NNDR, Sundry Debt and housing rents to target levels, recovery rates were still slightly below target for this stage of the year. Efforts were in place to increase recovery levels. However, the previous year the Revenues Service was focussed on delivering grants and helping residents get relief, rather than collection. There was considerable uncertainty around the potential impact arising from the end of the national Furlough scheme.
Councillor Jones said the support provided from Governments should be acknowledged. Councillor Hilary McGuill asked if the suggestion of a single vaccine certificate that would be recognised throughout the UK could be raised. The Chief Executive said he would raise that.
Councillor Johnson moved the report, which was seconded by Councillor McGuill.
That the Committee be assured by progress in meeting the recovery objectives.