Issue - meetings

Standards Forum Pre-Briefing

Meeting: 01/11/2021 - Standards Committee (Item 24)

24 Standards Forum Pre-Briefing pdf icon PDF 78 KB

To make Members aware of the proposed programme of the Conference.

Additional documents:


That members of the Committee contact the Monitoring Officer with any further suggestions/comments on the agenda for the next meeting of the Standards Forum.



The Monitoring Officer provided background information and advised that Gwynedd County Council had volunteered to hold the next meeting of the Standards Forum in November, however, the planned biennial Standards Conference might delay this.   The Monitoring Officer referred to the purpose of the Forum, as detailed in the report, and asked if there were any items for discussion that the Committee wished to put forward on the agenda for the next meeting.  The Monitoring Officer explained that he had suggested a number of items in section 1.04 of the report for consideration. 


The Chair asked that the Committee contact the Monitoring Officer before the end of the week with any further suggestions or comments they wished to propose.




That members of the Committee contact the Monitoring Officer with any further suggestions/comments on the agenda for the next meeting of the Standards Forum.