Issue - meetings
Review of Public Convenience Strategy
Meeting: 12/10/2021 - Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 30)
30 Review of Public Convenience Strategy PDF 95 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - Review of Public Convenience Strategy, item 30
PDF 600 KB
- Webcast for Review of Public Convenience Strategy
That the Committee supports the review and notes the progress to date against the local toilets strategy action plan.
The Chief Officer (Streetscene & Transportation) introduced the report to provide an update on progress against the Local Toilet Strategy Action Plan in line with the statutory requirements, and set out the approach to a further review in 2022-23.
The Highway Network Manager presented the report. He provided background information and advised that Flintshire’s Local Toilets Strategy was approved and published in May 2019 following public consultation and a copy was appended to the report. He reported that National guidelines stated that the policy should be reviewed every two years from when the local authority last published or last reviewed its Strategy and within one year of every ordinary local government election.
Councillor Owen Thomas asked if community toilets which provide for tourists would continue to have an annual grant from the Council. The Highways Network Manager confirmed that the grant would continue.
Councillor Geoff Collett raised concerns about the lack of public convenience provision in Mold, and the need to upgrade the provision in public buildings citing the public library as an example. The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) explained that alternative provision or development of the public facilities at Mold Bus Station had been considered but costs were prohibitive and the toilets were attracting anti-social behaviour. Discussions with Mold Town Council had not progressed to provide a solution. She reported that Mold Bus Station toilets were part of the Integrated Transport Strategy and discussions were being held with Mold Town Council around coach parking and lighting. Regarding toilets in public buildings she said the Council would work with alternative providers subject to the provision of funding to develop the facilities.
Councillor Dennis Hutchinson expressed concern that there was no signage to identify public toilet facilities were available in the Buckley Library building. He emphasised that clear signage was essential for the public. The Chief Officer acknowledged that further work and signage was needed to raise awareness of public toilets in local areas.
Councillor Paul Shotton concurred with the views expressed by Councillor Hutchinson that there was a need for better signage to inform residents of the location of public toilets in local areas.
Councillor Chris Bithell drew attention to Part 8, of the Public Health Act 2017, and advised that no-one was responsible for providing public toilets and due to cuts there was not sufficient funding available to provide the service. He commented that Mold not only provided for the requirements of its own residents but also served a large catchment area for shopping and tourism and said that the provision of public toilets was insufficient to meet demand particularly in the Summer. Councillor Bithell expressed concern that signage to the existing public provision was not available in Mold and should have been put in place before demolition of the public toilets in New Street and Wrexham Street. He stated that the current arrangements in Mold for public toilet provision was not sustainable.
Councillor Geoff Collett said facilities in Mold for public toilet provision needed to be reviewed thoroughly ... view the full minutes text for item 30