Issue - meetings

Review of ‘O’ Licence

Meeting: 12/10/2021 - Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 31)

31 Review of ‘O’ Licence pdf icon PDF 100 KB

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That the Committee notes the ongoing working arrangements within the Streetscene and Transportation Services and supports the actions undertaken to control operational risk and deliver on the undertakings of the Council’s operator’s licence.


The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) introduced a report to give assurance that working arrangements and processes were effective and robust.  She provided background information and referred to the audit of Vehicle O Licence compliance which was undertaken in April 2021 as part of the approved Internal Audit Annual Plan for 2020/21.  The overall findings were that the controls in operation at the time provided some assurance that key risks were being managed and controlled effectively, however, that significant improvement was required in areas relating to the control environment relating to tachography compliance, fleet servicing and maintenance, and single person dependency impacting service resilience.  The report provided an update on progress following the audit report in April 2021.


The Highways Network Manager presented the report and referred to the action plan to address the findings of the audit.  The Chief Officer explained that there was difficulty in recruiting for the post of Fleet Contract & Transport Manager and other posts in the Streetscene & Transportation Services, which impacted on progress on the action plan.


The recommendation was moved and seconded by Councillors Joe Johnson and Dennis Hutchinson.




That the Committee notes the ongoing working arrangements within the Streetscene and Transportation Services and supports the actions undertaken to control operational risk and deliver on the undertakings of the Council’s operator’s licence.