Issue - meetings
People and Organisational Development Strategy 2022-2025
Meeting: 13/01/2022 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 73)
73 People and Organisational Development Strategy 2022-2025 PDF 97 KB
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That the Committee supports the strategic priorities as a basis for developing the next iteration of the People and Organisational Development Strategy 2022-2025 prior to it being issued out to employees and Trade Unions for consultation and feedback, prior to being submitted to Cabinet.
The Corporate Manager, People and Organisational Development, presented a report on the strategic priorities for a new People and Organisational Development Strategy for 2022-25.
Whilst the response to the pandemic had interrupted the review of the current People Strategy, there were a number of positive outcomes from changes in working practices that could be developed further. The new Strategy would set out increased ambitions for the workforce and organisation, reflecting on events over the past 18 months and building on areas of good practice. The report set out the key external factors and likely outcomes to be delivered under each theme which would remain flexible to adapt to any changes and respond to risks such as recruitment and retention.
Councillor Arnold Woolley commended the report but was concerned at the lack of information on annual appraisals. In response, the Corporate Manager gave assurance that this was covered by the introduction of a new values-based performance review programme.
The Chief Executive highlighted the importance of the Strategy in ensuring that employees at all levels clearly understood their roles and contributions within the organisation and that framing ambitions as an employer of choice would help to create a positive workforce culture.
The recommendation was moved and seconded by Councillors Arnold Woolley and Mared Eastwood.
That the Committee supports the strategic priorities as a basis for developing the next iteration of the People and Organisational Development Strategy 2022-2025 prior to it being issued out to employees and Trade Unions for consultation and feedback, prior to being submitted to Cabinet.