Issue - meetings

North Wales Population Needs Assessment and Market Stability Report

Meeting: 20/01/2022 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 60)

60 North Wales Population Needs Assessment and Market Stability Report pdf icon PDF 115 KB

Additional documents:


(a)          That Members support the North Wales Population Needs Assessment, prior to submission to Full Council in February 2022; and

(b)          That Members support the process for the approval of the Regional Market Stability Report and receive an information report when available.


The Chief Officer (Social Services) firstly gave thanks to Emma Murphy and Katrina Shanka on producing the report which was a requirement of the Social Services Well-being Act 2014 on the North Wales Population Needs Assessment 2022 which assesses the care and support needs of the population and the support needs of carers covering North Wales.  He stated that this report would be used to inform service developments in future years.


                         The Senior Manager - Safeguarding and Commissioning explained that the document had been though the Regional Partnership Board before coming to this Committee and would then go to the Chief Executive Committee of the Health Board.  He stressed that timescales had been tight due to the impact of the pandemic and that publication was due in April.  He reported that feedback had been very positive and that the document had been well received.


                        The Planning & Development Officer – Children and Workforce reassured Members that the document was not just based on results of the online survey but also from a wealth of reports and knowledgeable staff as well as consultations that have taken place over the last 5 years.


                        The Chairman and the Committee agreed that it was an excellent document which would be well used as a reference document.


The recommendations in the report were moved by Councillor Gladys Healey and seconded by Councillor Dave Mackie.




(a)          That Members support the North Wales Population Needs Assessment, prior to submission to Full Council in February 2022 and

(b)          That Members support the process for the approval of the Regional Market Stability Report and receive an information report when available.