Issue - meetings
Housing Rent Income - Audit Wales
Meeting: 11/11/2021 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 52)
52 Housing Rent Income - Audit Wales PDF 93 KB
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That the proposals for improvement, as set out within the report, be adopted.
The Chief Executive introduced a report on the findings of an Audit Wales report on housing rent income. This was a positive report which reflected on the work undertaken by the Council in supporting tenants and stabilising rent arrears during a period of unprecedented change.
The Revenues & Procurement Manager provided background to the review which had been commissioned by the Council due to the strategic risks arising from increasing rent arrears and changes to Universal Credit. The report by Audit Wales acknowledged the significant work undertaken across the Housing service to stabilise the position by March 2020 and sought to further improve existing arrangements through two minor recommendations on the collection of additional data and performance reporting. Changes introduced in managing complex cases were already proving effective in targeting support and preventing escalation. Further work was also being done to better understand the needs of tenants and to strengthen management information on write-off levels and analysis on former tenant arrears.
In response to a question from Councillor Paul Shotton, officers spoke about the approach to engaging with tenants at risk of falling into arrears and the collective responsibility of teams in Revenues and Housing to work with tenants to create sustainable tenancies.
In response to a question from Councillor Richard Lloyd, clarification was given on contractual arrangements with water companies.
The recommendation was moved and seconded by Councillors Richard Jones and Richard Lloyd.
That the proposals for improvement, as set out within the report, be adopted.