Issue - meetings
Impact of the pandemic on prioritising highway schemes, gulley emptying, grass cutting, and flooding.
Meeting: 09/11/2021 - Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 40)
Additional documents:
(a) That the work undertaken by the Streetscene & Transportation portfolio to maintain key services during the pandemic be supported; and
(b) That a message of thanks and appreciation be recorded on behalf of Members, on the payslips for all employees in recognition of their work and performance during the pandemic.
The Chief Officer (Streetscene & Transportation) gave a presentation on the impact of the pandemic on prioritising highway schemes, gully emptying, grass cutting and flooding, which covered the following main points:
- Service impact of COVID-19: timeline
- prioritising highways schemes
- grass cutting and grounds maintenance
- gully emptying
- flooding
- key points
Councillor George Hardcastle thanked the Chief Officer and her team for their work. He expressed concerns around the control of weeds and use of weed spraying. He also commented on gully emptying and asked if this could be undertaken three times a year instead of twice. The Chief Officer explained that there were options around weed spraying which could be considered. In response to the need for more frequent gully emptying, she advised Members to report any specific problems in their Ward to their area coordinator who would report the issue to Streetscene & Transportation so that roadsweepers could be directed to clear that location. The Chief Officer advised that the Streetscene Standards were due for renewal next year which would present an opportunity to review the frequency of gully emptying if needed. The Highway Network Manager provided further information on the contractor arrangements for weed spraying and the process. The Chief Officer said there were options that could be considered around the tender process for the contract for weed spraying in the future.
Councillor Owen Thomas expressed some concerns around the grass cutting service and use of weed sprayers.
Councillor Patrick Heesom congratulated the Chief Officer and her team on their work and achievements during the pandemic and suggested that this could be acknowledged by the Leader of the Council.
Councillor Ian Roberts acknowledged the suggestion and also expressed his thanks to staff in all the Council’s services for their hard work and the continuation of service delivery throughout the pandemic. The Chief Officer commented on the ongoing challenges in maintaining service delivery during the continued pandemic. Councillor Ian Roberts suggested that a message of thanks and appreciation be recorded on behalf of Members, on the payslips for all employees in recognition of their work and performance during the pandemic. This was agreed by the Committee. The Facilitator agreed to contact the Head of Organisational Change to action the request.
The recommendations were moved and seconded by Councillors Patrick Heesom and Dennis Hutchinson.
(a) That the work undertaken by the Streetscene & Transportation portfolio to maintain key services during the pandemic be supported; and
(b) That a message of thanks and appreciation be recorded on behalf of Members, on the payslips for all employees in recognition of their work and performance during the pandemic.