Issue - meetings
Mid-year Performance Indicators for Recovery, Portfolio and Public Accountability Measures
Meeting: 03/02/2022 - Education, Youth & Culture Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 44)
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Mid-year Performance Indicators for Recovery, Portfolio and Public Accountability Measures, item 44 PDF 561 KB
- Webcast for Mid-year Performance Indicators for Recovery, Portfolio and Public Accountability Measures
That the report be noted.
The Chief Officer (Education & Youth) introduced the report which provided an overview of the levels of progress in the achievement of activities, performance levels and current risk levels as identified in the Council Plan.
In response to a question from Councillor Dave Mackie on the free food initiative, the Chief Officer (Education & Youth) confirmed that this was an anomaly in the report and that the two items were separate. She explained that the free primary school breakfast was targeted at pupils who were eligible for free school meals, and it was hoped that 100% of schools would be delivering that offer. Due to the pandemic and arrangements for the delivery of meals during Covid, it had been challenging with secure measures in place and dining rooms not operating in the same way. Regarding the free fruit, this was provided by NEWydd through the Poverty Strategy to schools and it was agreed to reword the text for that objective.
The recommendation, as outlined within the report, was moved by Councillor Paul Cunningham, and seconded by Councillor Joe Johnson.
That the report be noted.