Issue - meetings

A presentation on the HyNet hydrogen production and carbon storage cross-border project

Meeting: 07/12/2021 - Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 47)

47 A presentation on the HyNet hydrogen production and carbon storage cross-border project pdf icon PDF 73 KB

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That the content of the presentation be noted.


The Committee welcomed Rachel Perry and Amy Bodey from Progressive Energy Ltd who were in attendance to give a presentation on the HyNet project, which covered:


·         What is HyNet North West?

·         Demand led Decarbonisation

·         HyNet North West Infrastructure

·         Hydrogen Production

·         CO2 Capture Plants

·         Wider Benefits

·         Momentum and Deliverability

·         Positioning the UK as a world leader in clean energy


Councillor Paul Shotton commended progress with the project and its benefits for a lower carbon future for the region.  In response to questions, Rachel Perry said that existing infrastructure was utilised where possible and she provided information on a similar project in the Humber and Tees region.


The Chair thanked the officers for their presentation on this innovative project.  Following questions, she was advised that the business model, with Government support, was currently in development and would be supported by the Carbon Capture Fund whilst the building infrastructure would be funded by the individual organisations.


In response to concerns from Councillor Patrick Heesom about the Point of Ayr colliery site, Rachel Perry provided assurance on the offshore storage of Co2 and robust assessment of existing pipelines on which there were no current concerns.  As requested, the presentation slides would be circulated to Members.


Following questions from Councillor Owen Thomas, information was shared on the building of new infrastructure for Co2 and hydrogen at Stanlow, and for hydrogen only at the Cheshire salt mines.


In welcoming the decarbonisation target, Councillor Chris Bithell asked about potential risks.  Whilst the safety risks were low, economic growth was reliant on Government support as was the scale of the hydrogen rollout.


In praising the Council’s involvement in the project and as local Member for Ffynnongroyw, Councillor Glyn Banks offered assistance with early public engagement to reassure residents in the vicinity of the Point of Ayr site.  His comments were noted by the HyNet colleagues including his suggestion for an on-site public engagement session, with appropriate safety measures.


Councillor Derek Butler spoke about links with the Mersey Dee Alliance (MDA) to access mutual benefits across the region.  In response to comments, information was shared on the future role of hydrogen in domestic heating and plans for alternative storage of Co2 for the Point of Ayr site, should additional capacity be required.  Details were also given on future proofing of the hydrogen distribution network.


The Chief Officer (Streetscene & Transportation) confirmed that the North Wales Growth Deal project for a hydrogen hub in Deeside was based on green hydrogen as a long-term sustainable solution.


The Chief Officer (Planning, Environment & Economy) said that HyNet was a key part of work of the North Wales Economic Ambition Board as well as the MDA.


The recommendation was moved by Councillor Paul Shotton and seconded by Councillor Owen Thomas.




That the content of the presentation be noted.