Issue - meetings
North Wales Population Needs Assessment
Meeting: 18/01/2022 - Cabinet (Item 95)
95 North Wales Population Needs Assessment PDF 115 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 3 for North Wales Population Needs Assessment, item 95 PDF 108 KB
- Enc. 1 for North Wales Population Needs Assessment, item 95 PDF 4 MB
- Enc. 2 for North Wales Population Needs Assessment, item 95 PDF 980 KB
- Webcast for North Wales Population Needs Assessment
As detailed in the recommendations.
Councillor Jones introduced the report which provided an overview of the North Wales Population Needs Assessment 2022 which had been produced as a requirement of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014.
The report was an assessment of the care and support needs of the population and the support needs of carers, covering the North Wales footprint. The development of the document was led by the North Wales Social Care and Well-being Services Improvement Collaborative, with information from the six North Wales councils and the health board, supported by Public Health Wales.
In June 2022 a Market Stability Report must also be published. Together the two documents should provide those commissioning care and support, at a regional and local level, with a comprehensive picture of current and projected demand and supply.
The Chief Officer (Social Services) reinforced the importance of the document which would help to plan for the future. Of the survey responses, 39% came from people in Flintshire so local voices were being heard. Public engagement would continue during the development of the Market Stability Report.
The Planning and Development Officer gave an example of where the data would help plan and prepare for the future, and that was dementia prevention.
Councillor Jones added the wide range of areas that were covered by the assessment, including inequality and homelessness. Members welcomed the report.
(a) That the North Wales Population Needs Assessment be supported prior to submission to Council in February 2022; and
(b) That the process for the approval of the Regional Market Stability Report be agreed.