Issue - meetings

Climate Change Strategy

Meeting: 08/02/2022 - Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 64)

64 Climate Change Strategy pdf icon PDF 118 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That progress made in delivering carbon reduction measures to date is acknowledged; and


(b)       That the Climate Change Strategy for 2022 – 2030 and its aims therein be endorsed.


            In presenting this report the Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) explained that the authority had made the decision to become a carbon neutral council in 2019.  Alex Ellis had been appointed as the Programme Manager to develop the Climate Change Strategy.  This report would be presented to Cabinet next week and following that to County Council.


            The Programme Manager reported that in 2019 Welsh Government (WG) had called for all public sector authorities to become carbon neutral by 2030.  In December 2019 Cabinet resolved to develop a Climate Change Strategy setting out the Council proposals to become carbon neutral council by 2030.   The Council had delivered decarbonisations activities for several years which included energy and renewable energy schemes. The Climate Change Strategy set out the Council’s objectives to move towards the net zero goal and she provided an overview of the engagement undertaken and feedback received.   Referring to the Strategy she provided information on the baseline emissions figures, highlighted the work undertaken to date and the objectives proposed to reduce direct emissions through the county.  There would be financial implications both in capital and revenue and further exploration of the actions within each theme were required to understand the resource implications.   The Council had utilised several funding streams and it was expected that additional funding would be provided by WG.


            The Programme Manager referred to the Strategy and highlighted the following points: -


·         At point 6.7 on page 53 - information on the baseline carbon emissions on the 2018/19 emissions data.  She confirmed in 2021 there was a 17% reduction on that baseline.


·         At point 7.1 on page 55 - the chart predicted the reductions which the actions could achieve but that there was still a 20,000 CO2 gap by 2030.  She explained that measures may not currently be available and that this would be monitored and considered when the Strategy was reviewed in 2 years’ time.  Offsetting emissions with tree planting was outlined and the Council would need to prioritise how land assets were set aside for this.


·         At point 7.10 on page 57 - this highlighted the interim targets within the direct carbon emission themes.


·         At point 8.1 on page 58 - a summary was provided of the key aims within each of the themes.


·         Biodiversity was integrated within the Strategy, with consideration given to climate change and de-carbonisation.  Information was provided on how these were incorporated and the training that would be required.


            The Programme Manager explained that by achieving these goals the Council could meet its targets tackling the Climate Emergency and Net Zero Wales by 2050.  The Council would also achieve its goals within the Wellbeing and Future Generations Act and Environment Wales Act.  She finished by saying that this report would be presented to Cabinet next week and work was being undertaken in each theme to identify the current status and resource implications.


            Responding to a question from the Chair regarding target setting the Programme Manager confirmed that the reduction predictions were based on  ...  view the full minutes text for item 64