Issue - meetings
Local Government & Elections Act 2021 Update
Meeting: 25/01/2022 - Flintshire County Council (Item 80)
80 Local Government & Elections Act 2021 update PDF 94 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Local Government & Elections Act 2021 update, item 80 PDF 72 KB
- Webcast for Local Government & Elections Act 2021 update
(a) That the Council be assured by the briefing report; and
(b) That Council notes the constitutional and other implications of the Act, and that these are being worked on by the Local Government and Elections Act 2021 Implementation Working Group of officers, led by the Chief Officer (Governance).
The Chief Officer (Governance) introduced the report and explained that, as in previous reports to Council, the Act was a significant piece of legislation which encompassed a number of issues. It was large, with 170 sections and 14 schedules, which reflected its lengthy gestation period. Some aspects of the Act reflected what Flintshire, as a best practice authority, was already doing. For other parts, officers would do the necessary work to implement them within the prescribed timescales.
Much of the Act had been brought into effect, although some key provisions would be implemented from 5th May 2022, to correspond with the date of the next Local Government Elections.
An officer working group had been established to ensure the Act was implemented in full and it would report from time to time to the Constitution and Democratic Services Committee and County Council.
Progress made to date was detailed in the appendix to the report.
The recommendations in the report were moved by Councillor Phillips seconded by Councillor Ian Roberts.
(a) That the Council be assured by the briefing report; and
(b) That Council notes the constitutional and other implications of the Act, and that these are being worked on by the Local Government and Elections Act 2021 Implementation Working Group of officers, led by the Chief Officer (Governance).