Issue - meetings

Code of Corporate Governance

Meeting: 26/01/2022 - Governance and Audit Committee (Item 49)

49 Code of Corporate Governance pdf icon PDF 124 KB

Additional documents:


That the updated Code of Corporate Governance be endorsed for adoption as part of the Council’s Constitution.


The Chief Executive introduced the report on the annual review of the Code of Corporate Governance prior to consideration by the Constitution & Democratic Services Committee in June.  He drew attention to Section 2 of the document reflecting on changes in governance arrangements during the pandemic.


Sally Ellis welcomed the availability of information on the work of the Recovery Committee on the Council’s website.  Her suggestion that this be made clearer in the Code was noted by officers including the Chief Executive who said that the transparency of such information complied with the requirements of the Code.


The recommendation was moved and seconded by Councillors Arnold Woolley and Martin White.




That the updated Code of Corporate Governance be endorsed for adoption as part of the Council’s Constitution.