Issue - meetings
Declaration and Disposal of Land Surplus to Requirements
Meeting: 25/01/2022 - Flintshire County Council (Item 83)
83 Declaration and Disposal of Land Surplus to Requirements PDF 85 KB
Additional documents:
That the proposed process for declaring and disposing of land that is surplus to requirements be included within the Constitution and that local Members be informed when a piece of land has been declared surplus. The disposal values would report annually to Governance & Audit Committee on the value for which pieces of land had been sold.
The Chief Officer (Governance) introduced the report and explained that from time to time the Council would decide that it no longer required a piece of land, and would categorise it as “surplus to requirements”. Such land was sold generating receipts that funded the capital programme.
It was important that the decision making for doing that included consultation with the relevant parties, especially where the property currently formed part of the education estate.
The process was not currently documented and it was proposed that a short process be included within the Constitution for clarity and transparency.
The recommendations in the report were moved by Councillor Phillips and seconded by Councillor Bithell.
Councillor Bithell asked who valued the land and the Chief Executive explained that it would depend on the piece of land and the most appropriate valuer would be used accordingly.
In response to a question from Councillor Tudor Jones, the Chief Executive said there had been occasions where an area of land for disposal was on a school site and in those instances disposal would be discussed with the school.
A discussion took place as to when ward Members became involved in land disposals. Members felt that it should be earlier in the process and Councillor Richard Jones moved an amendment of “that when a piece of land is declared surplus the local Member be informed”.
Councillors Phillips and Bithell as mover and seconder of the recommendation accepted the proposed amendment which then formed part of the substantive motion.
In response to a comment from Councillor Roberts, the Chief Officer (Governance) explained that there were methods for accountability which could be reported through the Governance and Audit Committee annually on the value for which pieces of land had been sold.
In response to a question from Councillor Marion Bateman, the Chief Executive explained that current land for sale was on the Asset Register which was a public document.
That the proposed process for declaring and disposing of land that is surplus to requirements be included within the Constitution and that local Members be informed when a piece of land has been declared surplus. The disposal values would report annually to Governance & Audit Committee on the value for which pieces of land had been sold.