Issue - meetings

Mid-year Performance Indicators for Recovery, Portfolio and Public Accountability Measures

Meeting: 09/12/2021 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 52)

52 Council Plan 2021-22 Mid-year Performance Reporting pdf icon PDF 109 KB

To review the levels of progress in the achievement of activities and performance levels as identified in the Council Plan.


Additional documents:


That the Mid-Year Performance Monitoring Report be received.



The Chief Officer (Social Services) introduced the report and provided background information.  He advised that the mid-year performance monitoring report for the 2021/22 Council Plan was positive and showed that 70% of activities were making good progress with 73% likely to achieve  planned outcomes;  53% of the performance indicators had met or exceeded  targets; 2% were being closely monitored and 20% were currently not meeting target. The remaining 25% accounted for measures which were new and were being monitored as a baseline year.  There were no performance indicators (PIs) which showed a red RAG status for current performance against targets relevant to the Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee.


The Chief Officer responded to the comments and questions raised by Councillor Dave Mackie on the data appended to the report.


Referring to the final safeguarding action concerning the duty to report as detailed on page 103 of the report, the Chair emphasised that it was everyone’s duty to report and explained that the form to be completed was ambiguous in terms of who was to be informed.  The Chief Officer acknowledged the points raised and suggested that this be referred to the Corporate Safeguarding Panel.  The Senior Manager – Safeguarding and Commissioning advised that work was being undertaken to include the reporting process on the Council’s website to speed up matters.  The Chair raised further questions around the data presented on targets on safeguarding on page 105.  She asked if a track was kept of the safeguarding incidents reported. The Senior Manager – Safeguarding and Commissioning explained that the PARIS system was used to combine all safeguarding incidents reported. The Chair referred to page 107 and the action on developing the services offered to provide respite for families with disabled children and asked if this included families with an autistic child.  The Senior Manager – Integrated Services and Lead Adults explained that  this would be determined by the level of need and said respite care was available and referred to the support provided by Arosfa and the direct payments scheme.


The following recommendation was moved by Councillor Healey and seconded by Councillor Bateman.




That the Mid-Year Performance Monitoring Report be received.