Issue - meetings

Flintshire Coast Park

Meeting: 18/01/2022 - Cabinet (Item 100)

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As detailed in the recommendations.


Councillor Butler introduced the report and explained that in 2014 a strategic framework of opportunities along the Dee Estuary foreshore was produced.  The proposal of a coast park sought to identify the estuary foreshore as a single entity akin to a Regional Park.


            The concept of a Flintshire Coast Park should be explored again in light of opportunities related to Levelling Up funding (LUF) availability.


            Work to develop a Regional Coast Park for Flintshire would provide a fresh impetus and focus for the coast, raising the profile of the foreshore and enabling communities and businesses to work sustainably and innovatively to help deliver environmental, economic and social prosperity.


            Councillor Roberts welcomed the report, and said that a key issue that needed to be addressed was the missing link in the coastal path between Connah’s Quay and Flint.  Along the A548 it was one of its narrowest sections.  There had previously been proposals to resolve the issue but they were rejected at the time by the RSPB and Countryside Council Wales, who were concerned it would clip the site of special scientific interest.  He felt improving the path between Connah’s Quay and Flint ould form a key part of the proposals.  A solution was needed with RSPB and Natural Resources Wales as this was an area with potential to be used for walking, cycling and recreational activities. The Chief Officer said he would arrange a meeting with the relevant public bodies to discuss the issue.


            All other Cabinet Members welcomed the report, commenting on the heritage, including industrial heritage and the beautiful countryside.  Councillor Jones asked if “Northern Gateway” could be amended to read “Northern Gateway Sealand”.  Councillor Hughes felt Flint Caste was not well advertised, and that the coastal path should link to Greenfield Valley.  In response to his comment on the Castle, Councillor Roberts explained that it was the aim of Welsh Government (WG) to have a visitor centre and a café at the Castle.




(a)       That the strategic direction set out in the Coast Park Prospectus be noted, and the work to develop the creation of a Regional Flintshire Coast Park be supported; and


(b)       That Cabinet welcomes the views of the Environment and Economy Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and delegates authority to the Chief Officer (Planning, Environment and Economy) (in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economic Development) to make minor changes to the proposals to reflect those views.