Issue - meetings

Developing Flintshire’s Housing Support Programme Strategy 2022-26

Meeting: 09/02/2022 - Community, Housing & Assets Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 18/10/22 (Item 44)

44 Housing Support Programme (HSP) Strategy 2022/2026 pdf icon PDF 162 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the Committee support the Housing Support Programme (HSP) Strategy, as attached at Appendix 1 of the report, ahead of formal consideration by Cabinet; and


(b)       That the Committee note the work undertaken to date in developing the HSP Strategy for Flintshire ahead of its adoption on 31 March, 2022.



The Housing & Prevention Senior Manager presented a report to provide an overview of the Housing Support Programme (HSP) Strategy requirements and the approach taken in Flintshire to develop and adopt the HSP Strategy by the end of March 2022.  The HSP Strategy was appended to the report, together with details for delivery and monitoring and supporting Action Plan for the period 2022-2026.


The Housing & Prevention Senior Manager highlighted the following areas, as detailed in the report:


  • Housing Support Programme Strategy
  • Housing Support Grant
  • Housing Support Grant Services
  • Developing the Housing Support Programme Strategy
  • HSP Strategy Vision, Principles and Priorities
  • HSP Strategy Local Action Plan
  • Regional Working


Whilst each Local Authority was adopting their own HSP Strategy for 2022-2026, there remained a clear commitment to joint working across the region.  Partnership working through the development of the HSP Strategies had been positive and North Wales continued to be respected for its joined-up activities and collaborative working by Welsh Government (WG) and other regions.    


The Chairman thanked the Housing & Prevention Senior Manager for the detailed report and asked for an update on the additional provision for homelessness in Connah’s Quay.  The Housing & Prevention Senior Manager provided an update and advised that refurbishment works continued to ensure 6 additional units for temporary accommodation in Connah’s Quay.  He also reported on sites that had been secured in Flint and Holywell for additional temporary accommodation that would become a Housing Revenue Account asset in the future.


Councillor Helen Brown asked if an alternative site to the current Homeless Hub in Queensferry had been identified.  She asked whether the service was looking to provide opportunities to apprentices and asked what support was being provided for mental health as this was closely linked to homelessness and outlined the pressures being put currently on Social Care Services.  The Housing & Prevention Senior Manager explained that a site had been identified and once in a position to do so, he would share this information with Members.  In terms of apprenticeships, he said that they had asked for apprenticeships within their service and that discussions had started on how this could be enhanced across Flintshire, including working in partnership with some of the commissioning services, as well funding targeted support through the communities for work programme.


The Chief Officer (Social Services) advised that mental health was a key issue for all residents across Flintshire and services were promoting positive mental health.  He said that how mental health issues were reflected in the Council’s Council Plan moving forward was raised at a recent Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee meeting, with an action arising that Social Services officers meet with the Strategic Performance Advisor to ensure issues of mental health that the Council had control over was included in the Council Plan.  He suggested that an invitation to this meeting be extended to Housing Service officers. 


In response to a question from Councillor Dennis Hutchinson around Debt Advice Services, the Benefits Manager explained that funding from WG had ended but highlighted the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 44