Issue - meetings

Council Plan 2022/23

Meeting: 12/01/2022 - Community, Housing & Assets Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 18/10/22 (Item 39)

39 Council Plan 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 115 KB

Additional documents:


That the Committee support the content of the themes for the Council Plan 2022-23 as presented within the report and appendix.


The Chief Executive presented the draft 2022/23 Council Plan which had been reviewed and refreshed following the response to the pandemic and Recovery Strategy.  The themes and priorities remained the same as 2021/22, however there were some development within the sub-priorities.


The structure of the Plan continued to be aligned to a set of six Well-being Objectives and the six themes continued to take a long term view of recovery, ambition and work over the next two years.  The outlined of the Council Plan for 2022/23 including the six themes, their priorities and actions were appended to the report.


The Strategic Performance Advisor advised that all comments and suggestions would be collated and shared with Cabinet in advance of approval for adoption in June 2022. 


The recommendation, as outlined within the report, was moved and seconded by Councillor Helen Brown and Councillor Brian Lloyd.




That the Committee support the content of the themes for the Council Plan 2022-23 as presented within the report and appendix.