Issue - meetings

Council Plan 2022/23

Meeting: 03/02/2022 - Education, Youth & Culture Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 43)

43 Council Plan 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 114 KB

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That the Committee support the content of the themes for the Council Plan 2022-23 as presented within the report and appendix.


In presenting the draft Council Plan for 2022/23 the Strategic Performance Advisor confirmed the Plan continued to include the themed areas as the Council recovered from the pandemic.  He highlighted the changes at 1.02 and the six themes and priorities which remained the same at 1.03 of the report.  He confirmed that he would be collating the comments which would be shared with Members prior to being presented to Cabinet and Council in July 2022. 


            The Chief Officer (Education & Youth) referred to the new sub-priority on Well-Being which had been included in the Council Plan following discussions at Recovery Committee.  She referred Members to page 119 which outlined how this was being supported and the WG National Framework for schools to embed a whole school approach to Emotional Health and Well-being, which was being led regional by a Flintshire officer, Laura England.  This would ensure schools were well equipped, trained and supported to review everything they did through the lens of emotional health and well-being.  The Chief Officer also reported on the collaborated working with the Youth Services in Flintshire and Wrexham to support young people who attempt suicide and were admitted to hospital.  The work carried out by the Inclusion and Youth Justices Services to gain an understanding of the trauma experienced by young people through a variety of reasons was also outlined.  The aim was to encourage them back into education and the world around them.  


The Chair referred to page 113 which was the new element of Climate Change adaption and was pleased that the issue of adverse weather events such as flooding, high winds and long hot summers was being addressed.  He said that Flintshire was named as one of the authorities not having a Climate Change Plan which was erroneous and maybe could be rectified in the Council Plan. 


The Chief Officer (Education & Youth) confirmed that the Council had a Climate Change Strategy, and a Programme Manager was leading a cross portfolio group where all portfolios had representation and had contributed to a very detailed Climate Change Strategy.  Referring to the Council Plan she confirmed the different colours in sections identified other portfolios who were able to contribute to those themes.  She provided information on the themes for the Education portfolio especially through healthy schools, eco schools and COT26 which included representations from Flintshire’s young people.  She then provided information on the measures taken in school buildings and that the Mynydd Isa school would be the first carbon neutral project. 


Councillor Sean Bibby confirmed that a very detailed Climate Change Strategy was being presented to the Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee and Cabinet.


The Leader of the Council confirmed that children had been very interested and concerned about climate change and the environment prior to it being highlighted as the biggest issue of our generation.  Referring to the charging points he explained these would need to be installed in all schools, buildings, leisure centres, community centres and council car parks.  The demand for the authority,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 43