Issue - meetings
Council Plan 2022/23
Meeting: 13/01/2022 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 72)
72 Council Plan 2022/23 PDF 115 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1: Draft Council Plan (Part 1) 2022-23, item 72
PDF 165 KB
- Webcast for Council Plan 2022/23
That feedback be noted on the refreshed content of the themes for the Draft Council Plan 2022-23 prior to sharing with Cabinet in June 2022.
The Chief Executive introduced the report to review the draft Council Plan for 2022/23 comprising the ‘super structure’ of six themes aligned to Well-being Objectives. The supporting priorities and actions remained the same as 2021/22, with some developments to sub-priorities on Poverty, Green Society & Environment, Economy and Education & Skills. The Plan would be reviewed by all Overview & Scrutiny Committees prior to sharing with Cabinet in advance of approval by Council in July.
The Strategic Performance Advisor said that the timetable allowed opportunities for contributions by newly elected Members.
Whilst acknowledging the improved format of the Plan, Councillor Richard Jones noted that many of the milestones were towards the end of the year and suggested a mechanism for measuring progress to ensure they were still relevant. He gave examples of a number of initiatives missing since last year and said that explanations should have been included.
In response, the Strategic Performance Advisor explained that many actions over the longer term were to be achieved by March 2023 and that progress would be reflected in quarterly performance reports. He said that some issues included in the Plan for last year had been removed as they were now part of normal business or had been completed. Explanation on such movements had been reported at the mid-year monitoring stage in December and would also be clarified in the end of year report to be approved in July.
Councillor Ian Roberts referred to the Poverty theme and provided clarification on proposed national changes to free school meals. He spoke in support of the Plan for 2022/23 which could be adapted to meet the priorities of the new administration following the Elections.
In welcoming the Plan, Councillor Paul Shotton praised the range of opportunities across the County.
Following comments by the Chairman, the Chief Executive provided further detail on the strategy to convert the Council’s transport fleet to electric and alternative fuels such as hydrogen, whilst Councillor Ian Roberts spoke on the development of the County’s electric car charging network.
Councillor Richard Lloyd welcomed the range of actions under the Affordable and Accessible Housing priority. In response to a query, the Chief Executive provided information on engaging with landlords to help bring properties back into use and would confirm with the Home Improvements team that the scheme was being actively promoted.
Following advice by the Chief Officer (Governance), Councillor Shotton - who had moved the recommendation - agreed an amendment by Councillor Richard Jones to insert the word ‘Draft’ before the Council Plan.
That feedback be noted on the refreshed content of the themes for the Draft Council Plan 2022-23 prior to sharing with Cabinet in June 2022.