Issue - meetings
Multiplying Impact - Flintshire Integrated Youth Provision Delivery Plan 2021-2024
Meeting: 03/02/2022 - Education, Youth & Culture Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 41)
41 Multiplying Impact - Flintshire Integrated Youth Provision Delivery Plan 2021-2024 PDF 127 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - Multiplying Impact Delivery Plan 2021-2024, item 41 PDF 1 MB
- Appendix 2 - FIYP Staffing Structure 2022, item 41 PDF 607 KB
- Appendix 3 - FIYP Integrated Impact Assessment, item 41 PDF 296 KB
- Webcast for Multiplying Impact - Flintshire Integrated Youth Provision Delivery Plan 2021-2024
(a) That the Committee positively acknowledge the vital work of the Integrated Youth Provision during the COVID-19 pandemic in supporting Flintshire’s children and young people;
(b) That the Committee endorse the ‘Multiplying Impact – Flintshire Integrated Youth Provision Delivery Plan 2021-2024’; and
(c) That the Chairman write to Mrs. Ann Roberts, Senior Manager - Integrated Youth Provision, on behalf of the Committee, wishing her well in her retirement and thanking her for her passion and commitment to the Youth Service over the years.
Prior to consideration of the report, the Chief Officer (Education & Youth) reported that Mrs. Ann Roberts, Senior Officer of the Integrated Youth Provision, would be retiring from her role at the beginning of March. She commented on the tremendous contribution Ann Roberts had made to the Committee and her passion and commitment for delivering high quality services to young people. There would be an opportunity for Members of the Committee to send comments which would be collated and presented to Ann Roberts during her leaving presentation. The Chair suggested that the Committee send a letter of appreciation to Ann Roberts for what she had achieved for the education service over the years and to wish her well for the future. This suggestion was supported by the Committee.
The Chief Officer (Education & Youth) introduced Mick Holt (Senior Youth & Community Worker) and Ali Thomas (Youth Forum Worker), the two Senior Youth Workers, to the Committee and thanked them for their assistance. She outlined the current position, explaining the Plan was developed, following a wide-ranging consultation with young people in Flintshire who used this service, the Youth Team and a range of partners’ delivering these services to young people in the 11-to-25-year age group. The aspirations for the young people were explained together with the support provided by the Youth Service. The digital provision was beneficial but as restrictions were being lifted more face-to-face services were able to be delivered. The Children’s Commissioner and Welsh Government (WG) had recognised the value of Youth Services and that this was now at the forefront of the new inspection regime of Local Government and Education Services. The Youth Service and Youth Workers were a highly skilled and valued part of the Education Services.
The Chief Officer referred to the key purposes at section 1.06 of the report which tied in with the national curriculum and provided information on the key partnership working. Young people valued the services they received through the Integrated Youth Provision and that this plan would provide a route map for the next three years on how services were embedded and expanded to support them. She referred to the Welsh in Education Strategy which was discussed at the last meeting and said that the focus was to provide services through the medium of Welsh to improve their opportunities moving forward.
In response to questions from Councillor Dave Mackie on the Toolkit, the Chief Officer (Education & Youth) said the Integrated Impact Assessment was completed as part of the statutory process for reporting to Committee. This was a standard template which had to be used and agreed there were elements which were repetitive. The Youth Forum Worker confirmed that the multiplying impact reporter was used with elements included in the report and confirmed that some of the services were face to face with others going online. Although it appeared that this was repeated wording, a blended approach and different service delivery was being looked at.
Councillor Dave Mackie referred to section 1.07 ... view the full minutes text for item 41