Issue - meetings
In-house Regulated Services Report
Meeting: 20/01/2022 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 59)
59 In-house Regulated Services Report PDF 105 KB
Additional documents:
(a) That Members accept and note the report, and agree that the annual CIW return on the performance of the service and meeting regulation should be an annual report to the Committee; and
(b) That members’ rota visits are re-established, pandemic allowing, in 2022.
The Senior Manager – Integrated Services and Lead Adults introduced Mark Holt who was the Registered Manager - Resources and Regulated Services for the Council which is a statutory post that all regulated services have to have to collect evidence by means of visiting services a minimum of 4 times a year to observe and also talking to families, residents and services users to measure services against the Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act (2016) - (RISCA). The Responsible Individual explained that there were 84 different regulations covering:-
· Older People’s residential care homes
· Extra Care Housing
· The Flintshire Homecare Service
· Short-term Care Services for people with learning disability
· Supported Living Services
The Chairman commented on the excellent standard of care that had been given to residents due to there being no COVID cases within Supported Living.
In response to a question raised by the Chairman concerning the 17 supported living houses the Registered Manager - Resources and Regulated Services confirmed that here had been a change over the last 5 years as an additional house was opened to accommodate an individual. There were no plans to change over the next 5 years as any review of the service would be need to be comprehensive.
Councillor Mackie was eager to see the return of rota visits as recommended in the report and would like an update on progress on digital records in the next report. Cllr Dave Mackie expressed the view that investment in digital records needed to be given priority. He also asked that progress in this area should be monitored by the Committee going forward. He also showed concern and would like to see further information on the newly introduced pre visit check for short term care in a future report. The Chair of the Committee, Cllr Hilary McGuill concurred that it was about time records went digital, and all members were in agreement.
In response the Chief officer referred to the Digital Strategy Group and said that the Senior Manager – Children and Workforce make the group aware that the Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee had requested that this area of service be prioritised by the Council.
Recommendation (a) in the report was moved by Councillor Jean Davies and seconded by Councillor Dave Mackie.
Recommendation (b) in the report was moved by Councillor Gladys Healey and seconded by Councillor Mike Allport.
(a) That Members accept and note the report, and agree that the annual CIW return on the performance of the service and meeting regulation should be an annual report to the Committee and
(b) That members’ rota visits are re-established, pandemic allowing, in 2022.