Issue - meetings

Risk Management Framework

Meeting: 14/11/2022 - Governance and Audit Committee (Item 39)

39 Risk Management Framework pdf icon PDF 89 KB

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That with the inclusion of the two changes, the Risk Management Framework V3 2022 be approved.


The Internal Audit, Performance & Risk Manager presented a report on the revised Risk Management Framework following an update to address the findings of the Internal Audit review.


Following changes to improve clarity on roles and responsibilities, scoring and escalation processes, work was ongoing to review all portfolio risks and further develop the performance and risk management system (InPhase) prior to the final framework being rolled out to services in conjunction with training and awareness sessions, and independent challenge of portfolio risks.


In response to questions from Allan Rainford, officers provided clarification on the introduction of risk dashboards to demonstrate risk profile and the process for reporting operational risks to Cabinet including examples of escalation and mitigation.


Following comments by the Chair, it was agreed that the document would be updated to include the referral of red risks to relevant Overview & Scrutiny committees within the roles and responsibilities of the Governance & Audit Committee, and to include reference to risks from Alternative Delivery Models and other partnerships being captured on Inphase.  Explanation was given on the role of the Performance team in monitoring compliance through a range of actions to engage and raise awareness of responsibilities with management teams and the wider workforce.  The aim was to share an example of the dashboard information in January 2023 to give assurance to the Committee.


The recommendation, as amended, was supported.




That with the inclusion of the two changes, the Risk Management Framework V3 2022 be approved.