Issue - meetings

National Collaborative Arrangements for Welsh (local authority) Adoption and Fostering services

Meeting: 24/05/2022 - Flintshire County Council (Item 8)

8 National Collaborative Arrangements for Welsh (local authority) Adoption and Fostering services pdf icon PDF 112 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the new governance arrangements established through the

Joint Committee Agreement for the National Adoption Service and Foster

Wales be noted; and


(b)       That, as part of the local governance oversight, an annual report on the National Adoption Service, and regional and local service delivery, be presented to Social and Health Care Overview Scrutiny Committee. 


The Chief Officer (Social Services) presented a report to seek agreement to sign the Joint Committee Agreement for the proposed Joint Committee.  He provided background information and context and explained that the Agreement clarified roles and responsibilities for the hosting and delivery of national functions which support and enable local authority delivery of adoption and fostering responsibilities.  A copy of the Joint Committee Agreement was appended to the report.


In response to the comments made by Councillor Richard Jones the Chief Officer concurred that kinship carers were an integral part of the Council’s  fostering services and were fully supported as family members. 


In moving the recommendations in the report Councillor Bernie Attridge expressed thanks to the Cabinet Member for Social Services and the Chief Officer and his team for their work and commitment in the provision of adoption and fostering services.  Councillor Christine Jones seconded the recommendations.


The Cabinet Member for Social Services, Councillor Ian Roberts and Councillor Paul Cunningham spoke in tribute to the Council’s adoption and fostering service and Children’s Social Services.




(a)       That the new governance arrangements established through the

Joint Committee Agreement for the National Adoption Service and Foster

Wales be noted; and


(b)       That, as part of the local governance oversight, an annual report on the National Adoption Service, and regional and local service delivery, be presented to Social and Health Care Overview Scrutiny Committee.