Issue - meetings
Period Dignity Update
Meeting: 30/06/2022 - Joint Education, Youth & Culture and Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 8)
8 Period Dignity Update PDF 104 KB
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That the Committee was assured that the grant funding had been appropriately spent and had helped to meet the needs of those targeted by the Welsh Government initiative.
The Learning Adviser for Health, Well-being and Safeguarding presented the report which explained how the Welsh Government (WG) funding was being used to ensure all pupils were able to access products. She provided an overview of the WG Strategic Action 5 Year Plan which was awaiting publication.
An overview of the Grant Funding provided to local authorities and schools had been given with information on how the products would be distributed. The funding had increased with a requirement that 50% of the products be eco-friendly and information on the contract and products supplied was provided.
The Learning Adviser for Health, Well-being and Safeguarding provided information on the “Hey Girls” contract, which had been commissioned to provide products, chosen by pupils, which were then delivered to their home address. Over 2000 orders had been made and an overview of the products and year groups supported was provided in the report. She explained what eco products were available with WG requiring 90% to be eco-friendly. This year flexibility was provided by WG to enable some of the funding to be used to provide training for teachers in schools around puberty at the right age. The Code for relationships and sexuality would be enforced in September in schools and several workshops had been arranged to ensure teachers were prepared. An outline of the funding for this year was provided with plans to extend the work with “Hey Girls”. There was also an increased offer to youth clubs, food banks, refugees and community hubs with 8 – 18-year-olds able to order online.
Councillor Paul Cunningham commended the report and felt that this should be further highlighted to support pupils who could not afford the products.
Councillor Teresa Carberry said it addressed inequalities and that this was now more openly discussed in schools with topics taught in mixed gender groups. She was pleased that staff were receiving training to deliver this and that the products were available within the schools which was great.
Councillor Carolyn Preece commended the report and welcomed the use of eco-friendly products.
The recommendation, as outlined within the report, was moved and seconded by Councillor Paul Cunningham and Councillor Teresa Carberry
That the Committee was assured that the grant funding had been appropriately spent and had helped to meet the needs of those targeted by the Welsh Government initiative.