Issue - meetings

Internal Audit Annual Report 2021/22

Meeting: 08/06/2022 - Governance and Audit Committee (Item 12)

12 Internal Audit Annual Report 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 89 KB

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That the report and Internal Audit annual opinion be noted.


The Internal Audit, Performance & Risk Manager presented the report which summarised the outcome of audit work undertaken during 2021/22, compliance with standards and the results of the quality assurance and improvement programme.


Based on the work undertaken by Internal Audit, the direct assurance from management and external assurance from Audit Wales, the audit opinion was that the Council had an adequate and effective framework of governance, risk management and internal control for the period.  In reaching this opinion, the Internal Audit Manager had taken into consideration a number of factors including the results of work undertaken by Internal Audit and Audit Wales.  Amongst the key areas highlighted were the level of audit coverage during the year, auditing of third parties and the overall position of assurance opinions and actions raised across portfolios.  The Internal Audit Manager also reported on the effectiveness of her service’s performance including her lead role on a Task & Finish Group to review and collate benchmarking data across Wales.


Allan Rainford welcomed the report and was provided with information on the approach to increasing the number of completed post-audit client questionnaires whilst prioritising action tracking.


Councillor Andrew Parkhurst asked about the three red assurance reports and was informed of reporting arrangements to both this Committee and the relevant Overview & Scrutiny Committee with appropriate action plans.


In response to the Chair’s comments on trends, the Internal Audit Manager said there were no current concerns and that the Audit Plan focussed on areas of high risk across the organisation.


The recommendation was moved by Councillor Andrew Parkhurst and seconded by Reverend Brian Harvey.




That the report and Internal Audit annual opinion be noted.