Issue - meetings

Appointment of a Lay Person to the Governance and Audit Committee

Meeting: 24/05/2022 - Flintshire County Council (Item 11)

11 Appointment of a Lay Person to the Governance and Audit Committee pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Additional documents:


That Brian Harvey be appointed to the Governance and Audit Committee until 31 December 2027.


The Chief Officer (Governance) introduced a report to update Members on the appointment of an additional lay person to the Governance and Audit Committee.  He provided background information and advised that the need to appoint a lay person was outlined in the report.  A pen portrait of the candidate was appended to the report for information. 


Councillor Bernie Attridge spoke in support of the nomination and moved the recommendation which was seconded by Councillor Billy Mullin.




That Brian Harvey be appointed to the Governance and Audit Committee until 31 December 2027.