Issue - meetings
Flintshire County Council Elections 5th May 2022
Meeting: 24/05/2022 - Flintshire County Council (Item 9)
9 Flintshire County Council Elections 5th May 2022 PDF 80 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Flintshire County Council Elections 5th May 2022, item 9
- Webcast for Flintshire County Council Elections 5th May 2022
That the report be noted.
The Chief Executive presented a report on the results of the 2022 County Council elections. The report confirmed that the local elections had been conducted in accordance with elections law, guidance, common practice, and the performance standards set for Returning Officers. The report set out the political composition of the Council for the new term.
The Chief Executive said the local election process had been of high quality and had maintained integrity. He expressed his appreciation for the commitment and professionalism of the Elections and Count Management teams and for the co-operation of all involved in the elections process, including the many local organisations who made their premises available as polling stations and Coleg Cambria for the availability of the Count Centre. The Chief Executive also expressed his thanks for the cooperation of candidates, agents, political parties and campaign activists for following the advice and guidance given throughout the pre-election period.
The Chief Executive reported that in conjunction with the Elections Team, he had evaluated performance and learning from the elections both for sharing with the Electoral Commission for their national evaluative report and for future elections planning. He commented on the extensive use of social media during the election period and referring to the current guidance from the Electoral Commission on use of social media said that the need for further clarification would be raised in formal feedback to the Commission.
The Chief Executive advised that Flintshire continued to be held in high regard for its elections management conduct, practice, and delivery. He commented that the overall turnout for the election had been slightly lower in 2022 (36%) than in 2017 (38.73%) and drew attention to the election results as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report.
Councillor Ian Roberts expressed his thanks to the Elections Team, Count Management Teams, and all involved in the elections process. He said the elections and Count had been well organised and conducted. Councillor Roberts paid particular tribute to the Returning Officer for his exemplary performance throughout the elections and his sound advice and guidance in response to all matters arising. In conclusion Councillor Roberts also thanked all candidates who had put their name forward for the local elections.
Councillor Bernie Attridge concurred with the sentiments expressed by Councillor Roberts and expressed his thanks to the Returning Officer, Deputy Returning Officer, and all involved in the elections process for their efficiency and professionalism.
Councillors Chris Bithell, Marion Bateman, Bill Crease, Gladys Healey, Dennis Hutchinson, Hilary McGuill, Richard Jones and Billy Mullin expressed their thanks to Officers and staff for their work, commitment, and the successful management and outcome of the elections.
Councillor Richard Jones commented on the need to acknowledge the service given by former Councillors who would not be returning for a further term of office within the County Council. The Chief Officer (Governance) explained that a badge was presented to Councillors when they retired, and a Civic event would be held later in the year which would include Councillors who were ... view the full minutes text for item 9