Issue - meetings
Welsh Language Annual Monitoring Report 2021/22
Meeting: 14/06/2022 - Cabinet (Item 5)
5 Welsh Language Annual Monitoring Report 2021/22 PDF 105 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Welsh Language Annual Monitoring Report 2021/22, item 5
- Webcast for Welsh Language Annual Monitoring Report 2021/22
As detailed in the recommendations.
Councillor Mullin introduced the report and explained that Flintshire County Council was required to adhere to Welsh language standards, as set out in the Compliance Notice that was served on the Council in 2015.
The Chief Executive explained that the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 enabled the Welsh Ministers to specify standards for the Welsh language. The aim of the standards was to:
· Improve the services Welsh speakers could expect to receive from organisations in Welsh;
· Increase the use people made of Welsh language services;
· Make it clear to organisations what they needed to do in terms of the Welsh language; and
· Ensure that there was an appropriate degree of consistency of the duties placed on bodies in the same sectors.
He commented on the investment of over £1m being made into Ysgol Croes Atti in Deeside, improving the provision for Welsh medium education in the Shotton area and the proposed new Welsh medium school which would replace the existing Ysgol Croes Atti in Flint. It would be the first new Welsh medium school built by the Council since its inception in 1996. Welsh Government (WG) was making funds available to facilitate growth in Welsh medium education and the use of the Welsh language and the Council had expressed an interest in applying for funding in the Buckley/Mynydd Isa area.
The Policy Development Officer commented on the success of the Cymraeg Bob Cynllun initative and also Welsh Wednesday. She explained that employees were encouraged to develop their Welsh language skills through attending training provided by the local college. Resources to support Welsh learners and Welsh speakers was available on the intranet on a dedicated page for Welsh learners.
In 2021/22 one complaint was made directly to the Welsh Language Commission, compared to three complaints made during the previous years. Details of the complaint were outlined in the report.
The Chief Officer (Education and Youth) explained the importance of the work undertaken by the Youth Service on the information they provided on the opportunities available to young people if they were bilingual.
Councillor Roberts thanked the Policy Development Officer and her team for their work on promoting the Welsh language and their work on the annual report. He encouraged Members and officers to use the Welsh language wherever possible.
Councillor Bithell commented on the implementation of Ysgol Glanrafon in Mold being remodelled and extended, which would include the development of a purpose built pre-school provision on the site. The extension to the site would allow the school’s capacity to increase.
In response to a question from Councillor Johnson, the Policy Development Officer said a commonly used list of phrases used in meetings could be prepared and sent to Members.
(a) That the Welsh Language Annual Monitoring Report 2021/22 be approved, noting areas for further progress and improvement; and
(b) That a further report be received in September 2022 outlining progress made.