Issue - meetings

Clwyd Pension Fund Communications Strategy.

Meeting: 15/06/2022 - Clwyd Pension Fund Committee (Item 5)

5 Clwyd Pension Fund Communications Strategy. pdf icon PDF 119 KB

To provide Committee Members with the updated Communications Strategy for discussion and approval

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The Committee approved the updated Communications Strategy.


The Chairman confirmed this item required approval by the Committee and the Committee had training on it the previous week.

Mrs Williams introduced the report explaining that the 2013 LGPS Regulations required each administering authority to prepare, maintain and publish a written statement setting out its policy concerning communications with all key stakeholders. The Fund carried out a fundamental review of the existing communications policy  in 2016 and 2019. Since then, use of technology had progressed significantly and this proposed Communications Strategy would change how the Fund communicates with its stakeholders.  It would be focussed on providing communications that are more engaging and informative, including reducing use of jargon so they are easier to read, ensuring accessibility to all members and more interactive such as including videos for the website.  Communications would be more focussed on different groups of members.

One of the key outcomes proposed in the new strategy was that a greater proportion of stakeholders would now understand the benefits of the scheme. This would reduce the enquiries the Fund receive, reduce the amount of time spent answering queries and overall provide a more engaging service.

Mrs Williams said the objectives within the strategy remain very similar to the current version. As previously mentioned in the Committee training, the various elements of work to deliver the new communications strategy were in the business plan and the relevant timescales allowed time to achieve these aims and objectives.

            Mr Hibbert did not doubt that this work was necessary but was concerned about what people would perceive as a significant cost and thought it could be seen as ostentatious. Mrs Williams clarified that the majority of the work would be carried out by members of the administration team and explained they had recruited members of staff with skills to be able to delivered the strategy. Mrs McWilliam believed that it was possible to provide engaging communications without it appearing ostentatious and it was about ensuring the Fund got the balance right. She also highlighted that the proposed strategy was discussed at the Pension Board meeting the previous week and the Board members were extremely supportive of it.

She also highlighted that there is a large proportion of scheme members who were not currently enrolled for member self-service or opted for paper communications, and therefore not receiving some communications, such as the annual benefit statements. From an employer perspective, Mrs Williams said that the Fund needed to be considerate of the cost perspective i.e. the amount spent each year providing one-to-ones and going through benefit statements. This was not easy to manage for the Fund without significant staffing pressures and so if the Fund can get communications right it will result in reduced time and internal costs providing that service.



The Committee approved the updated Communications Strategy.