Issue - meetings

Communal Heating Charges 2021/22

Meeting: 12/07/2022 - Cabinet (Item 15)

15 Communal Heating Charges 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 111 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation.


Councillor Bibby introduced the item and explained that the Portfolio operated eight communal heating schemes within Flintshire.  The Council negotiated fuel costs in advance and tenants benefitted from the Council’s Industrial and Commercial Contract rate.


New communal heating charges were based on the previous year’s energy use ensuring an accurate assessment of costs and impacts on the heating reserve account.


The proposed recharges for 2022/23 were set out in the report and were pending Cabinet approval.  In the majority of cases, the recharge to tenants had reduced for 2022/23, which as in other years, would allow Flintshire to recover the projected costs of the heating charges whilst still passing on the benefit of reduced energy costs to tenants.


The Chief Executive added that tenants were currently benefitting from preferential unit rates due to the Council having secured a fixed rate for fuel until March 2023.  It was very likely that Communal Heating Charges would increase from 2023/24 when the Council had to renegotiate new energy tariffs.


The report had been submitted to Community, Housing and Assets Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 6th July.  Members supported the recommendations but noted concerns on the impacts of any future energy price increase, particularly when the current fixed contract term came to an end. 




That the heating charges at Council properties with communal heating schemes be approved to take effect from 5th September 2022.


Councillor Roberts advised there was a further change in the order of the agenda with agenda item number 18: Social Services Annual Report being considered next.