Issue - meetings
Ash Dieback Update
Meeting: 15/11/2022 - Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 30)
30 Ash Dieback Update PDF 151 KB
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That the update be noted and the ongoing work associated with Ash Dieback
The Access & Natural Environment Manager presented a report to provide an update on how Flintshire County Council had addressed Ash Dieback in 2021/22 in line with the 2019 Ash Dieback Action Plan, and the recommendations following an internal audit in July 2021.
The Access & Natural Environment Manager provided background information and reported on the main considerations as detailed in the report. The 2019 Ash Dieback Action Plan identified and proposed ways in which to manage the risk and costs associated with Ash Dieback, highlighting where infected Ash trees had an increased risk to public safety and the financial cost incurred to the Council. To moderate and manage the risk associated to Ash Dieback, a series of surveys had been undertaken to assess the distribution and disease classification of roadside Ash trees for primary and secondary roads. A programme of tree removal is ongoing for Flintshire owned trees and landowners with infected trees have been contacted to highlight the presence of Ash Dieback in their trees, with an expectation that they will manage their own trees to mitigate risks.
Councillor Mike Peers referred to the work on recovery to re-plant trees lost due to the disease and asked if each area would be subject to its own site survey. Councillor Peers also commented on the impact on landscapes. The Access & Natural Environment Manager acknowledged the points raised by Councillor Peers and explained that recovery was an important part of the Ash Dieback Plan and said areas would be looked at on a case-by-case basis as not all areas would warrant additional tree planting for various reasons. He said the main focus was on risk mitigation.
The Access & Natural Environment Manager responded to the further questions and concerns raised by Members around timelines, re-planting, impact on bio-diversity, the cost to the Council of dealing with Ash Dieback, and removal/disposal of diseased trees.
The recommendation as set out in the report was moved by Councillor Mike Peers and seconded by Councillor Mike Allport.
That the update be noted and the ongoing work associated with Ash Dieback