Issue - meetings

Review of the Terms of Reference and Introduction to the Work of the Committee

Meeting: 07/07/2022 - Constitution and Democratic Services Committee (Item 5)

5 Review of the Terms of Reference and Introduction to the Work of the Committee pdf icon PDF 75 KB

To explain the role and work of the Committee to new Members of the Committee.

Additional documents:


That the work of the Committee be noted.


In presenting the report the Chief Officer (Governance) provided background information on the formation of the Constitution & Democratic Services Committee, which were originally the Constitution Committee and Democratic Services Committee.  The Committee was the guardian of the Constitution, drafting and vetting changes to the Constitution and considered the Overview & Scrutiny Annual Report and changes made by the Overview & Scrutiny and other Committees prior to County Council.  Other committees, such as the Standards Committee and the Audit & Governance Committee, regularly review parts of the Constitution and make recommendations for this Committee to scrutinise prior to adoption by Full Council.


The Chief Officer (Governance) and Democratic Services Manager commenced the presentation which included slides on the following:-


Ø  Purpose of the session

Ø  The Constitution and Democratic Services Committee

Ø  Committee Membership

Ø  Committee Functions 1

·             Reviews of Member Development Training

·             Considers recommendations from the IRPW

·             Issues relating to the support of Members

·             Co-ordination of the work programmes of the five Overview & Scrutiny Committees

Ø  Committee Functions 2

·           Designates the post to be statutory Head of Democratic Services

·           Reviews and report on fulfilment of “Democratic Services functions”

·           Makes decisions on a member’s entitlement to family absence under relevant regulations

Ø  Committee workings

Ø  Forward Work Programme


The Chief Officer (Governance) commented that the Terms of Reference for this Committee was attached on the agenda for information.




That the work of the Committee be noted.