Issue - meetings

Results of the Consultation on the Digital Strategy

Meeting: 07/07/2022 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 13)

13 Results of the Consultation on the Digital Strategy pdf icon PDF 114 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the consultation results are welcomed, and that the Committee believes that the appropriate response is being taken to the issues raised as part of the consultation; and


(b)       That the refreshed Digital Strategy for 2021-2026 is approved with the additional amendments suggested in this report.


The Chief Officer (Governance) presented a report on the outcome of consultation on the Digital Strategy 2021-26 where the majority of the respondents had indicated support for the strategic aims and ambitions of the Council.  The proposed response to the consultation was also appended for consideration.


An overview was given of the four main areas of focus from the 179 responses as detailed in the report and reflected in the revised Strategy.  Additional wording would also provide clarity on responsibilities in respect of digital services at schools.  The development of an action plan, including project costs, would assist with financial planning.


In response to a question from Councillor Bill Crease, the Chief Officer said that whilst most of the Council’s website was accessible on a mobile device, work was ongoing to convert PDF documents into a more appropriate format.


In response to a query, Councillor Sam Swash was advised that the consultation had been publicised internally as well as externally, as the vast majority of the workforce were Flintshire residents.


Following comments by Councillor Allan Marshall, the Chief Officer would ask Niall Waller to provide Councillor Allan Marshall with relevant contact details in relation to increasing community broadband speeds.  The Chairman also requested that relevant contact details within the North Wales Economic Ambition Board also be shared.


On questions from the Chairman, it was confirmed that consultation had taken place prior to implementing the new planning software and that project costs would form part of the resource plan for the entire Digital Strategy to link with the Medium Term Financial Strategy.


The recommendations were moved and seconded by Councillors Vicky Perfect and Allan Marshall.




(a)       That the consultation results are welcomed, and that the Committee believes that the appropriate response is being taken to the issues raised as part of the consultation; and


(b)       That the refreshed Digital Strategy for 2021-2026 is approved with the additional amendments suggested in this report.