Issue - meetings

North Wales Regional Economic Framework

Meeting: 12/07/2022 - Cabinet (Item 17)

17 North Wales Regional Economic Framework pdf icon PDF 85 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation.


Councillor Healey introduced the item which presented the final draft Regional Economic Framework (REF) for North Wales and sought Cabinet’s endorsement of its content.


The REF for North Wales promoted collaborative economic development across the region through an agreed and shared set of priorities for delivery amongst

regional partners.


The Memorandum of Understanding (Memorandum of Understanding Working

Together to deliver a stronger North Wales Economy) set out how the Welsh

Government (WG), the North Wales Economic Ambition Board (NWEAB) and other

partners would work in partnership to develop and deliver against a single

common North Wales Regional Economic Framework.


In addition to the co-production that took place through the various NWEAB

groups, two cross-sector stakeholder events took place. The first in May 2022

provided background and discussion on strengths and opportunities for the region.

The second was a series of eight workshops which sought views on priorities for the region.




That the ‘Regional Economic Framework for North Wales’ be recommended for endorsement by Council.