Issue - meetings
North Wales Regional Economic Framework
Meeting: 05/07/2022 - Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 12)
12 North Wales Regional Economic Framework PDF 89 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for North Wales Regional Economic Framework, item 12
- Webcast for North Wales Regional Economic Framework
To recommend the draft ‘Regional Economic Framework for North Wales’ for endorsement by the Council.
In presenting the report the Chief Officer (Planning Environment & Economy) sought the committee’s comments on the North Wales Regional Economic Framework (NWREF) with a view to it being endorsed by Cabinet next week. He provided an overview of Ambition North Wales as regards funding, delivery across the region and explained the Regional Economic Framework was established by Welsh Government (WG) and Ambition North Wales. He referred Members to Appendix 1 which outlined how this would progress over the next five years to address the recovery of the economy in North Wales. He provided information on the economic gap and the delivery plan, which would be brought back to committee. Any comments from committee would be taken back to Cabinet and he confirmed that all authorities across Wales were seeking to endorse this document.
The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Economy commenting that with WG and representatives of all local authorities of North Wales working together for the economic wellbeing of the region, there was the potential for North Wales to play a leading role especially regarding renewable energy.
The Chief Officer (Planning Environment & Economy) commented that one of the programmes of Ambition North Wales was a low carbon energy, with the first being the low carbon tidal energy project on Anglesey. Referring to the Forward Work Programme he said that each of the Programme Managers would be attending to outline the work each of the programmes was undertaking, with the Land and Property Manager attending in September and that low carbon energy could be next.
The recommendation as set out in the report, was moved and seconded by Councillors Mike Allport and Ian Hodge.
To recommend the draft ‘Regional Economic Framework for North Wales’ for endorsement by the Council.