Issue - meetings
Fire Extinguishers in Private Hire Vehicles
Meeting: 13/07/2022 - Licensing Committee (Item 4)
4 Fire Extinguishers in Private Hire Vehicles PDF 95 KB
For Members to consider a proposed change to the Conditions of Licence for Private Hire Vehicles in respect of fire extinguishers.
Additional documents:
- Appendix A - Conditions of Licence for Private Hire Vehicles, item 4
- Appendix B - Summary of Conditions from other Local Authorities, item 4
- Webcast for Fire Extinguishers in Private Hire Vehicles
(a) That the Council keep the requirement to carry a minimum 2kg dry powder variety fire extinguisher in all vehicles; and
(b) That the current conditions be amended to add that the fire extinguisher should be suitably secured within the vehicle.
The Team Manager (Licensing & Pest Control) presented a report to consider a proposed change to the Conditions of Licence for Private Hire Vehicles in respect of fire extinguishers.
Whilst the conditions currently stipulated that vehicles must carry a serviced dry powder fire extinguisher weighing at least 2kg, representations from a licensed Private Hire Operator on reducing the size to 1kg would bring the Council in line with requirements of neighbouring authorities. Advice sought from the North Wales Fire & Rescue Service stated that a 1 litre extinguisher might be sufficient for private hire saloon type vehicles and black cabs, and that a 2kg extinguisher would be more appropriate for larger private hire vehicles carrying 9 or more passengers. The Team Manager explained that as Council licensed vehicles carried up to 8 people, or 9 including the driver, the advice could be interpreted either way.
The Committee was asked to consider the request received and the advice given by the North Wales Fire & Rescue Service. The four suggested options were to consider whether the requirement to carry a fire extinguisher should be proportionate to the capacity of the vehicle or whether a specific size should apply to all vehicles. The Committee was also asked to consider amending the conditions to ensure that fire extinguishers were suitably secured within vehicles.
In response to a query from Councillor Mared Eastwood, the Team Manager was unable to clarify the frequency that fire extinguishers were deployed but pointed out that carrying such equipment was an appropriate safety measure in any type of workplace.
Councillor Glyn Banks proposed Recommendation 1.1 (a minimum 1kg fire extinguisher for vehicles carrying 4 passengers and a 2kg extinguisher for vehicles carrying 5-8 passengers) which he felt accorded with the advice given by the Fire & Rescue Service, along with Recommendation 2. He was seconded by Councillor Carolyn Preece who said that this would bring the Council in line with conditions of nearby authorities as set out in the report.
The Team Manager clarified that Recommendations 1.1 and 1.2 both appeared to align with the advice given by the Fire & Rescue Service. In response to comments from Councillor Richard Lloyd, she advised that 1.5kg fire extinguishers were often difficult to source. Following a question by Councillor Marion Bateman, she explained that the rationale to alter the conditions was to reduce the burden on the private hire community as some operators felt that a 2kg extinguisher was excessive in smaller capacity vehicles and that a change would give private hire companies with smaller cars the option to reduce to 1kg and also align the Council with other authorities.
Councillor Steve Copple spoke in support of the report.
It was proposed by Councillor Lloyd that the Council retain the current requirement to carry a minimum 2kg extinguisher in all vehicles (Recommendation 1.4). He was seconded by Councillor Bateman.
After further consideration, Councillor Banks withdrew his earlier proposal and indicated support for Recommendation 1.4. On being put to the vote, Recommendation 1.4 was carried.
During discussion ... view the full minutes text for item 4