Issue - meetings

Asset Disposal and Capital Receipts Generated 2021/22

Meeting: 14/11/2022 - Governance and Audit Committee (Item 37)

37 Asset Disposal and Capital Receipts Generated 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 147 KB

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That the report be noted.


The Chief Executive presented the annual report summarising land disposals and realisation of capital receipts during 2021/22 and comparison with previous years.


The Committee was reminded that capital receipts were aligned to contribute towards the Council’s programme of capital schemes across all portfolios.  The update noted the continued reduction in Welsh Government support for capital expenditure, an overview of the disposal strategy and the Council’s current policy on agricultural estates.


On the appendix, Councillor Andrew Parkhurst acknowledged that the detailed breakdown of disposals should remain unpublished but asked if these could be shared privately with the Committee to enable it to undertake its role.


The Chief Executive explained the need to maintain confidentiality as some cases involved ongoing negotiations which may affect the Council’s position and outcomes.  He advised that local Members were consulted on disposals within their wards.


Councillor Parkhurst also sought assurance on the segregation of duty between the Capital and Asset Programme Board and the decision-makers in order to maintain independence.  The Chief Executive explained that the role of the Programme Board as a non-decision making body was to take a view on disposal methods and that independence was provided by the Council’s independent Valuation team in challenging external valuations and making the ultimate decision.  Explanation was also given on the involvement of Cabinet in the process in certain circumstances.


Councillor Parkhurst expressed his disappointment in the response to his request for the details of capital receipts to be shared privately with the Committee.


During discussion, Councillor Glyn Banks asked about the potential for future links between the Programme Board and this Committee.  The Chief Officer (Governance) advised that the annual report reflected a balance in reporting some detail whilst maintaining commercial confidentiality on those transactions.  He clarified that Committee members were entitled to request background information on restricted reports on the understanding that the information was being shared in strict confidence.  Officers gave assurance of the obligation to maximise best value for the Council on the disposal of assets.


In response, Councillor Parkhurst requested that members of the Committee be given access to a breakdown of more information on the capital receipts summarised in the appendix on a confidential basis.[1]


In referring to the original intent of the item being brought to the Committee some years ago, the Chief Executive confirmed that further detail would be made available to the Committee on the clear understanding that it remained confidential.


The recommendation was moved and seconded by Councillors Glyn Banks and Allan Marshall.




That the report be noted.

[1] See reference under minute 47 of the meeting held on 25/01/23