Issue - meetings
Performance of the WHQS Capital Programme - Assurance Report
Meeting: 12/10/2022 - Community, Housing & Assets Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 18/10/22 (Item 25)
25 Performance of the WHQS Capital Programme - Assurance Report PDF 135 KB
Additional documents:
That the Capital Investment Programme in its next phase of compliance, as it moved towards the updated Welsh Housing Quality Standards and requirement be noted.
The Service Manager - Housing Assets introduced a report to provide an update on the Council’s delivery of the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) through the Capital investment Programme.
The Service Manager provided a detailed presentation which covered the following areas: -
· WHQS – Explained
· WHQS - Current Position
· WHQS – Challenges
· WHQS – Decarbonisation
· WHQS 2023
· Local Labour & Apprenticeships
· WHQS - Next Steps
In response to a question from the Chair around inspections, the Service Manager advised that as part of the in-house Stock Condition Survey, all Council properties would be visited and inspected.
Councillor Dale Selvester commented on the thermal energy efficiency and asked whether the external works to replace rendering of properties had been completed on all properties or whether there were some properties outstanding. The Service Manager explained that the programme would be focussing on not also meeting the WHQS but also de-carbonisation with a survey being carried out on the energy efficiency of all properties. Where new components were required, these would be replaced to make sure the properties were as thermal efficiency as possible.
The recommendations, as outlined in the report, was moved by Councillor Rosetta Dolphin, and seconded by Councillor Dale Selvester.
That the Capital Investment Programme in its next phase of compliance, as it moved towards the updated Welsh Housing Quality Standards and requirement be noted.