Issue - meetings
Rapid Rehousing
Meeting: 27/09/2022 - Community, Housing & Assets Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 18/10/22 (Item 19)
Additional documents:
That the Committee note the report and principles of Rapid Rehousing.
The Service Manager – Housing & Prevention introduced a report to provide an update on progress with developing the Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan. Local Authorities were required to develop Rapid Rehousing Transition Plans to demonstrate how they would move towards a new approach to preventing and relieving homelessness.
The report identified the high level priorities contained within the Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan and a draft action plan that Flintshire County Council and its partners would need to deliver in order to achieve transformation in homeless prevention and statutory homelessness services and begin the transition to Rapid Rehousing.
The Service Manager – Housing & Prevention provided detailed information on the Key Principles, which were as follows:-
1. Tackling Homelessness through robust and effective partnerships
2. Remodelling our approaches to data, systems, policies and service delivery
3. Ensuring support is available to all who need it
4. Transforming our temporary housing offer
5. Increasing the supply of affordable housing and removing barriers to people accessing affordable housing promptly
The Service Manager – Housing & Prevention added that a report on the specific Challenges, Priorities and Action Plan would be presented to the Committee at the next meeting scheduled for October, 2022.
Councillor Rosetta Dolphin asked for information on the demographic of people presenting themselves as homeless. The Service Manager – Housing & Prevention explained that the majority of people were single, which highlighted the demand for the need for single person accommodation in the County.
Councillor Pam Banks commented on people being housed in rural villages and she felt that there was a lack of help/support in the community. She asked if their needs were assessed prior to being housed. The Service Manager – Housing & Prevention advised that, in terms of emergency accommodation, housing was limited but added that all needs were assessed with personal action plans drawn up accordingly.
The recommendation, as outlined within the report, was moved and second by Councillor David Evans and Councillor Ted Palmer.
That the Committee note the report and principles of Rapid Rehousing.