Issue - meetings


Meeting: 27/09/2022 - Community, Housing & Assets Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 18/10/22 (Item 18)

18 Void Management pdf icon PDF 311 KB

Additional documents:


(a) That the Committee note the increasing pressures and challenges impacting on service delivery across the Housing and Communities Portfolio; and


(b) That the Committee support the proposals for addressing the challenges identified.


The Service Manager - Housing Assets introduced a report to provide an update on voids management and delivery.


The Service Manager - Housing Assets and Service Manager - Housing Management, Benefit Service including Disabled Facilities Grants gave a presentation which covered the following areas:-


  • Voids
  • Voids targets and costs
  • Voids turnover and backlog
  • Estate Management
  • End to end process
  • Resources – staffing
  • Resources - staffing improvement activities
  • Resources – budgets
  • Resources – budget improvement activities
  • Resources – refurbishment
  • Resources – refurb improvement activities
  • Oversight and reporting


In response to a request from Councillor Rosetta Dolphin, it was agreed that a copy of the presentation slides would be circulated to Members of the Committee following the meeting.  Councillor Dolphin also gave examples of void properties in her ward that had remained empty for a long time and commented on the need to turn the properties around quicker to ensure continued revenue to the Council. 


In response to concerns from Councillor Pam Banks around an issue in her ward and wait for a property, the Service Manager - Housing Management, Benefit Service including Disabled Facilities Grants asked Councillor Banks to provide her with details following the meeting so that this matter could be looked into further.


Councillor Ted Palmer asked if additional in-house contractors could be used.  He also asked how energy ratings would be improved for those properties which had already been allocated.  The Service Manager – Housing Assets advised that there was an in-house voids team who were allocated all minor works.  He also provided details of a pilot project around de-carbonisation of housing stock in Mostyn and added that this work was included within the Welsh Housing Quality Standard works.       


Councillor Dave Evans suggested that the Committee visit a void property when it became empty and also a void property that had been brought back into use in order to see the standard of work carried out.  He also referred to the cost of living crisis and asked what improvements were made to properties to keep costs lower for tenants.  The Service Manager – Housing Assets advised that boilers, heating and loft insulation were all assessed at void stage and added that if conversion to air source heat pumps was a viable option for the property that was assessed at void stage too.


Councillor Rosetta Dolphin asked if college students were employed to assist with brining back to use void properties.  The Service Manager – Housing Assets advised that the Council did liaise with the colleges and do facilitate students undertaking practical work to fulfil their courses. 


Councillor Dale Selvester raised concerns around the time taken to register meters with energy companies which added to the delay in allocating a void property.  The Service Manager – Housing Assets responded that the tenant had previously had to contact energy companies directly which was very time consuming.  They now had a company called Energy Angels that would be assisting with that going forward.


The recommendations, as outlined within the report, were  ...  view the full minutes text for item 18