Issue - meetings
Council Plan 2022/23 Timeline Review
Meeting: 23/09/2022 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 27)
27 Council Plan 2022/23 Timeline Review PDF 83 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1: Council Plan (Part 1) 2022-23 Timeline Review, item 27 PDF 476 KB
- Webcast for Council Plan 2022/23 Timeline Review
(a) That the Committee agrees the Council Plan Part 1 updated timelines for completion; and
(b) The Committee awaits the completion of the 5 year Council Plan for further review.
The Chairman introduced the report on the review of timelines for the Council Plan 2022/23 as requested at County Council in July. Since publication, the appendix had been amended and re-issued to clarify links to themes.
Whilst acknowledging day-to-day core business within the document, the Chairman said it would be useful for Overview & Scrutiny Committees to identify when milestones had passed. He was seconded by Councillor Bernie Attridge.
The Internal Audit, Performance & Risk Manager clarified that the timeline related to the Council Plan for 2022-23 which included some items rolling forward beyond that period. Officers were currently focussed on developing the five year Council Plan which would incorporate more specific detail of use to Overview & Scrutiny Committees in identifying topics for their Forward Work Programmes.
In acknowledgement, the Chairman and Councillor Attridge withdrew the motion. The Chairman asked that the new Council Plan be scheduled for a future meeting.
The recommendations, which were amended to reflect the debate, were moved by the Chairman and seconded by Councillor Bernie Attridge.
(a) That the Committee agrees the Council Plan Part 1 updated timelines for completion; and
(b) The Committee awaits the completion of the 5 year Council Plan for further review.