Issue - meetings
Buckley Public Realm Design
Meeting: 27/03/2012 - Executive (Item 256)
256 Buckley Public Realm Design PDF 37 KB
Additional documents:
- Executive for Buckley Public Realm Design enc. 1, item 256 PDF 5 MB
- Executive for Buckley Public Realm Design enc. 1.5, item 256 PDF 3 MB
As recommendation.
The Democracy and Governance Manager advised the Leader that Buckley Members of the Executive did not need to declare a personal interest in this item.
The Executive Member for Regeneration & Tourism introduced the report to inform Members about the public realm design work undertaken in Buckley, which followed on from, and supported, the Buckley Masterplan. Its role was to set a standard for the future regeneration of the town and ensure any future developments were integrated with the existing town centre and contributed to an improved public realm.
The Executive Member welcomed the report and said that there was developer interest in Buckley and other towns in Flintshire. He added that the report would help to guide developers as the report detailed options and preferred designs.
The Director of Environment said that Members would be aware that a planning application had been received for the Co-op site in Buckley and this information would allow officers to work through the application enabling them to take the Public Realm forward to regenerate Buckley.
(a) That the contents of the two Buckley Public Realm reports be noted and their use, as part of and supporting the Masterplan, to assist with discussions with developers and to ensure that any new developments are integrated with the existing town centre and contribute to an improved public realm be endorsed; and
(b) That delegated authority be given to the Director of Environment, following consultation with the Executive Member for Environment, to make any changes as felt appropriate to the public realm reports.