Issue - meetings

Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021

Meeting: 27/09/2022 - Flintshire County Council (Item 35)

35 Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 pdf icon PDF 95 KB

Additional documents:


(a)          That the briefing report be received, and Council be assured;


(b)          That the constitutional and other implications of the Act be noted;


(c)          That the Officer Working Group be stood down until and unless any powers not yet exercised required implementation; and


(d)          That the Constitutional and Democratic Services Committee, supported by the Chief Officer (Governance) see the final aspects of the implementation of the Act to conclusion.


The Democratic Services Manager introduced the report and explained that the Local Government and Election (Wales) Bill became an Act in January 2021.  This was a large wide-ranging Act, and a Working Group was established to ensure all aspects which related to the Council were implemented.  


He referred Members to the Appendix which highlighted how the Council had responded to the key parts of the Act.  Outlining some of the key changes he confirmed that the largest change was holding meetings remotely, which had been in response to the Pandemic but was now law.  On the Appendix, he clarified that the areas shown in green had been fully implemented with the areas shown in grey not currently enacted and the 5 areas shown in amber being work in progress. 


The recommendations were moved and seconded.



(a)          That the briefing report be received, and Council be assured;


(b)          That the constitutional and other implications of the Act be noted;


(c)          That the Officer Working Group be stood down until and unless any powers not yet exercised required implementation; and


(d)          That the Constitutional and Democratic Services Committee, supported by the Chief Officer (Governance) see the final aspects of the implementation of the Act to conclusion.