Issue - meetings

Annual Performance Report 2021/22

Meeting: 18/10/2022 - Flintshire County Council (Item 43)

43 Annual Performance Report 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 93 KB

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That the Annual Performance Report 2021-22 be approved.  


The Chief Executive presented the Annual Performance Report for 2021/22.  He provided background information and advised that the Annual Performance Report reviewed progress against the Council’s Priorities as detailed in the Council Plan 2021/22 and supporting measures document (Part 2).


The Chief Executive drew attention to the performance indicator out-turns as detailed in section 1.04 of the report and explained that performance against the Council Plan measures was positive with 73% of the performance indicators meeting or exceeding target for the year, compared to 67% the previous year.  Referring to Regulation, Audit and Inspection activity the Chief Executive reported that the Auditor General had not made any statutory recommendations with which the Council must comply so far.


In moving the recommendation in the report Councillor Ian Roberts said it was important to note that the Council’s achievements within the Improvement Plan 2021/22 were gained as it had emerged from the impact of the Covid pandemic and the  implications of economic turmoil in world markets.  He reiterated that despite the challenges performance within services had been positive with 73% meeting or exceeding targets.  Councillor Roberts spoke of the “good” work which was delivered in local communities in Flintshire and said the Council would continue to strengthen and improve systems overall during the current financial year.  He applauded officers and staff for their work during recent unprecedented and difficult years. 


Councillor Ian Roberts was seconded by Councillor Billy Mullin.


Councillor Andrew Parkhurst raised concern that insufficient weight was given in the Annual Report to those areas which were known to need improvement and cited the Corporate Contact Centre and completion of action following Risk Management Assurance reviews as examples.  The Chief Executive acknowledged that some areas required further development and said he had given a commitment to follow through on progress and would continue to do so.


In response to the comments made by Councillor Parkhurst concerning the Corporate Contact Centre, the Chief Officer (Governance) provided background information and context to explain the reasons for performance.


Councillor Richard Jones expressed concern that 19% of performance measures had missed target by a significant margin and said this was the highest level in the last 5 years.   The Chief Executive explained why some of the measures had not achieved target and commented on the challenges presented by the UK economic situation, and changes to Welsh Government policy (citing delivery of the Quality Partnership as an example), which had impacted on performance measures.  In response to the further comments raised by Councillor Jones concerning the 11 performance measures referred to in the report which had significantly missed target it was agreed that this figure would be cross-checked against the portfolio improvement areas which were identified in the Annual Performance Report.


Councillor Sam Swash raised a point of accuracy on page 14 of the report and said the reference to social value and the target of £2854 was incorrect and should read £2,854,266 as stated on page 27.




That the Annual Performance Report 2021-22  ...  view the full minutes text for item 43