Issue - meetings

Overview & Scrutiny Terms of Reference

Meeting: 29/09/2022 - Constitution and Democratic Services Committee (Item 12)

12 Overview & Scrutiny Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 87 KB

To recommend to Council the proposed amendments to the Terms of Reference for each of the Overview & Scrutiny Committees

Additional documents:


That the Committee recommends to Council the proposed amendments to the Terms of Reference for each of the Overview & Scrutiny Committees



The Overview and Scrutiny Facilitator presented the report on the proposed amendments to the Terms of Reference for each of the Overview & Scrutiny Committees.  She provided background information and advised that the current terms of reference and the proposed changes were set out in the appendices to the report.


The recommendation in the report was moved by Councillor Ian Hodge and seconded by Councillor Arnold Woolley




That the Committee recommends to Council the proposed amendments to the Terms of Reference for each of the Overview & Scrutiny Committees