Issue - meetings

Flintshire Coastal Park

Meeting: 18/10/2022 - Cabinet (Item 65)

65 Flintshire Coastal Park pdf icon PDF 106 KB

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As detailed in the recommendations.


Councillor Healey introduced the report and explained that in 2014 a strategic framework of opportunities along the Dee Estuary foreshore was produced.  The proposal of a coast park sought to identify the estuary foreshore as a single entity akin to a Regional Park.


The concept of a Flintshire Coast Park had been re-explored through the commissioning of a scoping study which reviewed case studies before analysing the benefits and constraints.  The study suggested potential coast park footprints and steps for implementation.


A Flintshire Coast Park for Flintshire would provide a fresh impetus and focus for the coast, raising the profile of the foreshore and enable communities and businesses to work sustainably and innovatively to help deliver environmental, economic and social prosperity.


The Chief Officer (Planning, Environment and Economy) added that the report had been considered at the recent Environment and Economy Overview and Scrutiny Committee where option two had been supported.




(a)       That the content of the scoping study be noted and that the Flintshire Coast Park as a local, informal entity, be taken forward;


(b)       That option two be agreed as the preferred coast park footprint to take forward; and


(c)        That the Assess & Natural Environment Manager be tasked with establishing a Flintshire Coast Park Steering Group to move forward on the next steps for implementation.